Sunday, February 22, 2009

s0klan tag ni klaka laa..

::tanye mak kami..::

::katak:: ek0t kamu la...

::kinchet::ek0t saye la!



Shoe size:

::kami ta engat la..nnti uk0 yekwinklol

Where do you live:
najd steet..abu dhabi..

in hutan lip0r telentang..mrgreen

Have you ever been on a plane:
muak suda..

ta penah sbb!mase ye dtg cni ye brenang dari utan lip0r telentang sampe cni..
kan kan..

Swam in the ocean:

Fallen asleep at school:
hahah!!pekare biase...

never! i guess..sbb ye kal0 ngant0k ye tr0s xgi..
layan zaSSS!!!

Broken someone’s heart:
kinchet slalu br0ke my heart
kinchet evilevil...sure adenye...
kuang aja gue
tanye la kinchet nnti k..
mane tau kinchet kate.."haa..bet0l bet0l bet0l"lol

Fell off your chair:

huhuh!!tipu la kal0 kinchet kate xpenah kan..

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:
::ta b0le!!
sbb tep0n kami mlekat kat dindeng umah..
kal0 sume d antare kami yg nunggu panggelan..
alamat nye...bederet kami d bwh tep0n tu.. public p0n la plak!!::

Saved e-mail:
::kal0 xsaved patu nak bwat ape??

What is your room like:
::agagaga!!0rg yg biken tag ni tapenah mas0k bilek ka??
g tng0k sendiri la..
tu p0n kal0 d benakan..
tamalu ke nak mas0k bilek p0mpuan??

tale kasik tau...t kene r0mpak!!

Right now:
huaaaa...aman cket...
akk ngah bwat cik0dok..
mak babah ngah layan m0vie..
effa chating k0t..
adDam Aishah ngah baeknye lepak d dalam...
Aina tngah isap tr0mpet.....

What’s right beside you:lol
::kiri ade tep0n..kanan ade dindeng!!::

What is the last thing you ate:
gue temakan sens0dyne tadi..
seb baek maseh benyawe....

Ever had Chicken pox:
::sure laa...::

Sore throat:
::jarang skali..::

::huaa..ha rap d ja0hi..::

Do you believe in love at first sight:
::ntah le labu..::

Like picnics:
::suke suke suke!!!yey!::

Who was/were the last person you danced with:
::ngan umar!!!!!!!!!::

Last made you smile:
::gue murah ngan senyuman...
bile2 masw ku senyum time mara jek x kot..

You last yelled at:
::ta maen r yelled2 ni...
bwat ilang sware jek!!::

Talked to someone you like:
::ari ari..seb baek suke..

Kissed anyone:

Got sick:

Talked to an ex:
::ade ade!!ckp ngan ex teddy bear aritu...knape??::

Miss someone:
::hmmm...kan jek:D::

Who do you really hate:
::s0 far...xde lagik..alhamdulillah...]

haa..skang da ade!!!
gue benci 0rg yg MENETANG AGAME...
sure sume benci x??

Do you like your hand-writing:
kadang suke..
kadang x..
tngok la..::

Are your toe nails painted:

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in:
::lantai k0t...
ape barang maen t0mpang katel 0rg ni..
laen la d plawe kan..
gue s0k rang yg pemalu la...

What color shirt are you wearing now:
g0 hawks!
g0 hawks!!::

Are you a friendly person:
::am i??::

Do you have any pets:
::ade ade.."black gh0st knife fish!!! eh2!!
itu kah name nye??
ntah 0rg tu kate ye.. haa..
da besaaaa!!

Do you sleep with the TV on:
::i w0uld never d0 that!!

What are you doing right now:
:;biken mende ni la..

Can you handle the truth:

Are you closer to your mother or father:
::due due laa..

Do you eat healthy food:
::ape yg mak masak itu yg ku mkn..
takan mak masak "unhealthy fo0d" x??::

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex:
::kami bdak baek..
tapenah ade ex..
yg bet0l2 nye adela..

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to:
::yg ESA..patu..diam2 suda ek;)::

Are you confident:
::ntah la ncek..
milah p0n tatau..::

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1) maseh bersk0lah x se rendah gue..
2) huaaa..time tu gue jahat!!kahkahkah!!
3) kami d0k kat klane jaye mase tu..
4) gue suke kat s0rang bdak tu..ahahahh:))
5) gue jadik kawan baek MENAGA!!andai die ade skang ni..peh!!

1)best student..huhuh!!
2)darjah due budi..budi kah anda??
3)sangat mereng bdak ini tikale itu..
5)lagik taengat!

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
kasik mak babah!
bli umah!
bli kete..
biken lab sendirik..
bukak class ngaji...wink
slebeh nye..biken jariah..
insyaAllah jike d beri keizinan..

gue tatau laa...
ape ek??
t tnye ye r k;)

5 of my bad habits:
-gue taleh p0tong kuku pendek..jari ku saket..huhuh!!tp kuku ku berseh d0..
-menikmati mandi..slagi x 2jam dlm t0ilet..slagi tu gue x klua..heheh!
-suke brangan...jeng jeng jeng!

-taleh tid0 lambat t x mang0n..
-suke kent0t dpan 0rg...hahah acah jek..xp
-suke biken gue gelak tikale gue mara..aish!!!x feel langs0ng la..
-kal0 gue numpang tid0 katel nye..
sure ye amek side lebeh!mcm xkasik tumpang tp ajak:(
tam0 kawan:((

5 places I’ve lived/living:
::miri sarawak::
::kuala lump0r::
::abu dhabi::

People to tag this survey:
::ncek aji..tu p0n kal0 ncek ni layan laa..hihih::
::kak mean::
::anda d tag!!!!::

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