5 brand that you like the most
>>j0hns0n & j0hns0n..<<
>>the b0dy sh0p<<
>>j0hns0n & j0hns0n..<<
>>the b0dy sh0p<<
5 brand that you dislike the most

5 countries that you want to go the most
>>saudi Arabia..tau kan tau kan??:D<<
>>europe <<
>>korea nak g jumpe ngan w0n bin;)<<
5 countries that you do not want to go the most
>>hahah!!negare negare barat kot!!agak laa..<<
5 item that you like the most
>>aaaa..pelagik itemnye??the m0st imp0rtant 1!!jam<<
5 item that you dislike the most
>>sampah!!ade org suke sampah ke??huhu<<
>>minyak ramb0t....euwww...xp<<
>>xb0le nak pk laa..:(<<
5 people that you love the most
5 people that you hate the most
>>kinchet!!ha ha!!<<
5 color that you like the most?
5 color that you dislike the most?
>>kale jengkeng!!n0 n0 n0!!<<
5 things that you dream the most
>>yg ni tayah tau r!!ha ha!!<<
5 things that you not dream at all
>>mimpi laila..<< >>mimpi moon<< >>mimpisang<< >>ape ape la..yee..<<
5 of your positive character
>>ade ckap p0yo dlm diri..<<
>>gedik p0n bag0s..haha!!<<
>>punye prangai yg suke blagak rajen!!<<
>>antare ciri2 terakhir yg sbenanye ade manyak lagik..dan ienye iela....................jen0h ku nak pk 0i!!!<<
5 of your negative character
>>cepat naek angen!!!esp with k***<<
>>muda tesent0h!!huhu..agak laa..jadik lpas ni..kal0 b0le jgn la sent0h gue yah!<<
>>banyak bemaen dari sirius..am i??<<
5 moments that you miss the most
>>engat lagik!!mase kami g mekah dulu..gue bagaikan xpecaye bile nampak ka'bah ade depan mate..masyaAllah masyaAllah!!rindu akan rumah yaAllah!!<<
>>haha!!time sk0la renda dulu..mase ngan ijat!!huaaa!!rehat same..maen same..g t0ilet same..best best!!rindu ijat x))<<
>>time maen ngan azim..ari2 ade jek die nak ngene kan gue..aduh!!sy0k bena time tu..<<
>>ngahngahngah!!mase g expidisi ngan cekgu rizal,Aina,shera,wani..mase tu kami tetiggal..cekgu ngan bdak laen sume da bjalan da..sedang kami maseh dgn shera kat kedai nye..huhu!!yg best nye shera xpegi tp beg die ku bawak kehulu kehile..hahah:))<<
>>haa....this is 0ne of the best m0ment i ever had..best o0!!!gue d larikan org..naseb org tu kareb ku..kal0 x!!hayaaaaaak!!!da die tu..huhu<<
5 moments that you do not want to remember at all
>>hmm..m0ment that i've been humiliate by my 0wn teacher in front of public..n0t only once!but m0st of the time..and i remember that!!til n0w..cekgu cekgu!!<<
>>jat0h tangge depan org..gagaga~~<<
>>biken teh tarek!!yg asalnye manis menjadik masen....ayayay!!salah ta0k!!dari gule ke garam..;))malu malu!!<<
>>teb0ce rasie yg gue ni se0rang gadis yg b***** bkn name sbena..rasie ini d bocokan oleh sorang bdak yg xbetanggongjawab ntook nyimpan rasei kerajaan!!huh[-(<<
>>haha!!saat gue pecah kan vase macik tu..then takot nye pasal gue lari!!kahkahkah!!!>:)
5 positive characters of your best buddies
>>haa..kate p0n best buddie kan..hmm..kawan ku ni xpenah putus send msg kat gue even though she knows that i wont b able to replies it!!huhu<<
>>they r helpful..alhamdulillah<<
>>penyayang..mreke sayang gue..wekkk!!! xp<<
>>sedie memberi juge menerime..<<
>>aaaaalaaa...telalu banyak laa:(<<
5 negative characters of your best buddies
>>hmmm..kadang tu mreke ngut0k gue..naseb depan2..hahah!!bese r kan..kate p0n kawan..xp<<
5 things that you happy to do the most (Of your entire life)
>>spending time with fmily<<
>>co0king..i guess:D<<
>>everything that make smy life complete..;)<<
5 things that you regret the most
>>hmm..a l0ts actually..i think i dont need to mention it do i?<<
Single question
>>simple answer;)<<
Favorite animal?
>>fish<< >>cat<< >>rats..eh! salah2!!<<
Favorite actor?
>>muhamad isa<<
Favorite actres?
Favorite things that you do when you are alone?
>>find s0meone that i could sit with!!<<
Favorite website?
>>cartoon network<<
fav0rite moment?
Favorite sport?
>>r0ller skating<<
>>manyak lagik<<
Favorite vegetable?
>>t0mato..na na..this fruit!<<
>>jag0ng ket0t.haha!!<<
>>salary,..eh2!!bkn gaji tau!!<<
sume yg ade d dap0 laa..except f0r 0nion and garlic:D
Favorite movie?
>>scooby doo meets johnny brav0!!<<
>>h0rrow movie..<<
>>acti0n movie<<
>>cart0on m0vie..ahahah:))<<
5 brand that you dislike the most

5 countries that you want to go the most
>>saudi Arabia..tau kan tau kan??:D<<
>>europe <<
>>korea nak g jumpe ngan w0n bin;)<<
5 countries that you do not want to go the most
>>hahah!!negare negare barat kot!!agak laa..<<
5 item that you like the most
>>aaaa..pelagik itemnye??the m0st imp0rtant 1!!jam<<
5 item that you dislike the most
>>sampah!!ade org suke sampah ke??huhu<<
>>minyak ramb0t....euwww...xp<<
>>xb0le nak pk laa..:(<<
5 people that you love the most
5 people that you hate the most
>>kinchet!!ha ha!!<<
5 color that you like the most?
5 color that you dislike the most?
>>kale jengkeng!!n0 n0 n0!!<<
5 things that you dream the most
>>yg ni tayah tau r!!ha ha!!<<
5 things that you not dream at all
>>mimpi laila..<< >>mimpi moon<< >>mimpisang<< >>ape ape la..yee..<<
5 of your positive character
>>ade ckap p0yo dlm diri..<<
>>gedik p0n bag0s..haha!!<<
>>punye prangai yg suke blagak rajen!!<<
>>antare ciri2 terakhir yg sbenanye ade manyak lagik..dan ienye iela....................jen0h ku nak pk 0i!!!<<
5 of your negative character
>>cepat naek angen!!!esp with k***<<
>>muda tesent0h!!huhu..agak laa..jadik lpas ni..kal0 b0le jgn la sent0h gue yah!<<
>>banyak bemaen dari sirius..am i??<<
5 moments that you miss the most
>>engat lagik!!mase kami g mekah dulu..gue bagaikan xpecaye bile nampak ka'bah ade depan mate..masyaAllah masyaAllah!!rindu akan rumah yaAllah!!<<
>>haha!!time sk0la renda dulu..mase ngan ijat!!huaaa!!rehat same..maen same..g t0ilet same..best best!!rindu ijat x))<<
>>time maen ngan azim..ari2 ade jek die nak ngene kan gue..aduh!!sy0k bena time tu..<<
>>ngahngahngah!!mase g expidisi ngan cekgu rizal,Aina,shera,wani..mase tu kami tetiggal..cekgu ngan bdak laen sume da bjalan da..sedang kami maseh dgn shera kat kedai nye..huhu!!yg best nye shera xpegi tp beg die ku bawak kehulu kehile..hahah:))<<
>>haa....this is 0ne of the best m0ment i ever had..best o0!!!gue d larikan org..naseb org tu kareb ku..kal0 x!!hayaaaaaak!!!da die tu..huhu<<
5 moments that you do not want to remember at all
>>hmm..m0ment that i've been humiliate by my 0wn teacher in front of public..n0t only once!but m0st of the time..and i remember that!!til n0w..cekgu cekgu!!<<
>>jat0h tangge depan org..gagaga~~<<
>>biken teh tarek!!yg asalnye manis menjadik masen....ayayay!!salah ta0k!!dari gule ke garam..;))malu malu!!<<
>>teb0ce rasie yg gue ni se0rang gadis yg b***** bkn name sbena..rasie ini d bocokan oleh sorang bdak yg xbetanggongjawab ntook nyimpan rasei kerajaan!!huh[-(<<
>>haha!!saat gue pecah kan vase macik tu..then takot nye pasal gue lari!!kahkahkah!!!>:)
5 positive characters of your best buddies
>>haa..kate p0n best buddie kan..hmm..kawan ku ni xpenah putus send msg kat gue even though she knows that i wont b able to replies it!!huhu<<
>>they r helpful..alhamdulillah<<
>>penyayang..mreke sayang gue..wekkk!!! xp<<
>>sedie memberi juge menerime..<<
>>aaaaalaaa...telalu banyak laa:(<<
5 negative characters of your best buddies
>>hmmm..kadang tu mreke ngut0k gue..naseb depan2..hahah!!bese r kan..kate p0n kawan..xp<<
5 things that you happy to do the most (Of your entire life)
>>spending time with fmily<<
>>co0king..i guess:D<<
>>everything that make smy life complete..;)<<
5 things that you regret the most
>>hmm..a l0ts actually..i think i dont need to mention it do i?<<
Single question
>>simple answer;)<<
Favorite animal?
>>fish<< >>cat<< >>rats..eh! salah2!!<<
Favorite actor?
>>muhamad isa<<
Favorite actres?
Favorite things that you do when you are alone?
>>find s0meone that i could sit with!!<<
Favorite website?
>>cartoon network<<
fav0rite moment?
Favorite sport?
>>r0ller skating<<
>>manyak lagik<<
Favorite vegetable?
>>t0mato..na na..this fruit!<<
>>jag0ng ket0t.haha!!<<
>>salary,..eh2!!bkn gaji tau!!<<
sume yg ade d dap0 laa..except f0r 0nion and garlic:D
Favorite movie?
>>scooby doo meets johnny brav0!!<<
>>h0rrow movie..<<
>>acti0n movie<<
>>cart0on m0vie..ahahah:))<<
Tag another 10 people :-
::kak iman::
::kak zara::
::kak ton::
who else??
huaa..betape kecik nye tulisan ini!!!
xdapat tuka size daaa..
amp0n amp0n!!
xdapat tuka size daaa..
amp0n amp0n!!
1 comment:
daa siap homework yea??
nnt jgn lupa amik award plak..
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