1.Does anyone know your password.
::misti la deyy!!::
2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonalds
::d0uble mcChicken!!!!::
3. Are you an emotional person?
::hahah!!kinchet ye..katak x :P::
4. Do you like your name?
5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
::kinchet kate ye tatau laa..::
6. Ever felt jealous of your friend?
::huhuh!!mreke slalu menang..:(::
7. What was the last thing you did?
::baru lpas mkn..kinchet maseh besantap lagik..::
8. Who is right next to you?
9. Who were the last persons you ate with?
::babah mak erin effa::
10. What song are you listening to right now?
::wanita-de hearty::
11. Hows the weather right now ?
12. Last person who called you today?
::mummy ku::
13. Last song you sang?
::arini x sempat nyanyi lagik..::
14. Do you like anyone?
::kinchet suke....***::
15. Lost a friendship over something?
::alhamdulilah bwat stakat ni xde lagik;)::
16. Last beverage you drank?
::zer0 water::
17. Last food you ate?
18. What did you do last night?
::watching "bed time st0ry" n then gut pening..ayayay!!::
19. Faked being sick to miss school?
20. Last person you talked to?
::kinchet la sape lagik..::
21. Last person you made fun of?
::im n0t a cl0wn man!!!::
22. What are you wearing right now?
::baju la.."l0ok at 5"!!!::
23. Are you too quiet to ask anyone out?
24. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?
25.Where are you right now?
::depan k0mpite::
26. What date and day is it?
::february 27th,20o9..swasane muram la arini..:(::
27. Did you go anywhere today?
::t0ilet,dap0,depan ,bilek, lua xcube lagik::
28. What did you do there?
::jln jln carik mkn...heh!!dam t0ilet xcarik mkn r!::
29. Where else are you going today?
::aaaaaah!!arini manyak keje..macam2 ada!s0..biken keje laa..:D::
30. Are you watching TV?
::kal0 x watch tv abeh nak watch ape??::
31. Are you mature or immature?
32. Are you closer to your mom or dad?
33. When was your last kiss?
::tane macam nak kiss jek..::
34. What school do you go to?
::the cambridge high sch0ol...::
35Whats the most annoying thing people say to you?
36. Do you like music?
::suke suke..;)::
37. Do you want to get married?
::hahah!!d0nt u wan t0 get married??0ow b0y..o0w b0y!!::
38. to whom?
by this,i hereby tag:
::and uu;)::
~end 0f st0ry~